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Living allowance request for refugees from Ukraine

For information in Dutch, please visit the page Leefgeld aanvragen voor vluchtelingen uit Oekraïne.
Інформація українською мовою

Did you flee from Ukraine and are you registered with the municipality of Dongen? Then you can request living allowance on this page. You do need a Dutch bank account for this and you must be registered with the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP). 

What is the living allowance for? 

Your living allowance will replace the supermarket vouchers and is intended to cover the cost of meals, clothing and other personal expenses. What you get depends on the type of care and your age. You can use the additional amount for things like public transport, family visits or sports. You can also use this money to contribute to the costs of the host family. But this is not mandatory.


The amount of the living allowance is determined nationally. The amount depends on the size of your family. And the type of shelter you are staying in. Monthly amount per person.

Family members Leeftijd Food allowance Clothing etc. Additional allowance for those in private accommodations
1 or 2 18+ of 18- and single €242,48 €60,71 €80,91
  18- €200,65 €60,71 €60,71
3 18+ €193,98 €60,71 €80,91
  18- €160,64 €60,71 €80,91
4 or more 18+ €169,74 €60,71 €80,91
  18- €140,34 €60,71 €80,91

Who can get a living allowance? 

In order to be eligible for a living allowance the following must be met:

  • You have to come to the municipality of Dongen as a refugee from Ukraine. 
  • you are staying in a municipal shelter facility or in a private shelter facility (such as a host family). 
  • you are registered in the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP).
  • you have a Dutch bank account. 
  • you don’t have an income from work (yet). 

Have you been housed in Dongen and are you registered yet? Please contact The Refugee Council (Vluchtelingenwerk). They can help you with registration.   

From the 1st of February 2023, the rules about work and the living allowance will change as well. From that date onwards, when a person of 18 years or older starts working, the living allowance for their entire family will be stopped. This will also happen if a person 18 years or older receives benefits from the Dutch government, such as an unemployment or occupational disability benefit. Working yields more: those who work 3 days a week for the minimum wage already earn more than the living allowance.


You can make and application via the ‘Request living allowance’ button below. You will need the following documents:

  • a digital copy of your proof of identity; 
  • a digital copy of your Dutch bank pas showing your account number and name. 

How to open a personal Dutch bank account? 

You need a Dutch bank account to apply for and receive a living allowance. Open a Dutch bank account as soon as possible. For more information about opening a Dutch bank account, visit the website of RefugeeHelp (go to general information, under the heading: Financial Affairs) or visit one of the pages below. 

Are there any changes in your situation? 

Are you moving to another municipality or are you receiving income from work? If so, please report this to us. This will affect your living allowance. You can report changes by email to: oekraine@dongen.nl

Do I keep my monthly financial allowance if I temporarily leave the reception location?

Since December 1, 2022, refugees from Ukraine may leave the reception location for a maximum of 28 days while retaining their monthly financial allowance (such as a living allowance). You must first report your stay outside the municipality of Dongen - even if you stay in the Netherlands - to the municipality. You can report this by email to oekraine@dongen.nl.

Do you need help with applications? 

Fill out the application in English of Dutch. Vluchtelingenwerk can help you with this. 

  • Are you staying in a municipal shelter facility? Then you can visit the consultation hours of Vluchtelingenwerk. 
  • Are you staying in a private shelter, such as a host family? If so, you can request help by sending an email to: oekraine@dongen.nl

Time frame for expected answer 

You will receive an answer to your application as soon as possible. 


Should you have any questions, please contact the municipality. You can do this by calling 14 0162 (Dutch or English only) or send an email to: oekraine@dongen.nl